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- Juggle Magazine

"convulses the audience with laughter"

- McDonough Voice

"clown jewel"

- Shanghai Daily

Amanda Crockett 1
Crockett Headshot with 3 red hats
Leg stuck over head, Comedy Trapeze
Single Foot Hang, Circus Flora
Hat manipulation and smiles
Juggling hats on the trapeze.
Pirouette while juggling 3 red hats
Hat juggling with 3 red hats
Arm stuck, Comedy hat juggling
Peaking out of tent at Circus Flora
Headshot with mime lean
Toe hang on comedy trapeze
Beginning of my comedy trapeze act
Contored on Comedy Trapeze, Chicago
Big smile and hat manipulation, pose
Heel hang on trapeze in Chicago
Backstage fun at Circus Flora
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