Amanda Crockett
Actor. Clown. Circus Artist.
"an immensely gifted comic...a living cartoon character"
- See Chicago Dance
"agile and courageous"
- Chicago Tribune
"She is one of my most favorite coaches/people in the entire history of forever. I ADORE her. She is my dream coach."
- Student
"remarkable...I've never seen anyone contact juggler her own head before"
- Juggle Magazine
Amanda Crockett's silent, Chaplinesque hat act was engagingly whimsical"
- The Chicago Reader

"her trapeze act, performed with daring abandon, is a highlight of the show"
- Ernest Albrecht, Spectacle Magazine
"convulses the audience with laughter"
- McDonough Voice
"Star quality"
Seattle Fine Arts Examiner
"Amanda helped me to feel condidant and overcome obstacles in my training. I had been plateauing for some time and after just one lesson I could see improvement. I can't wait to work with her again!"
- Student
"clown jewel"
- Shanghai Daily
...a vituoso of hat manipulation. She has moves that will amaze you, amuse you, and totally seduce you"
- Avner the Eccentric
"The show-stopping highlight, hands down, was an absolutley brilliant Amanda Crockett. Whether cavorting and contorting on a high trapeze or twisting like a pretzel while rolling a derby, end over end, up and down her string-bean-limbs, this straw-haried scarecrow is a one of a kind who does it all. if circus is about thrill, chills, spills and laughs, this gal is the real thing. Plus, she mimes like a mirror."
- The Enterprise
"Crockett nearly steals the show... she exudes joy with a deft touch and impeccable timing"
-KDHX St. Louis
"She is my dream coach."
- Student
"She has moves that will amaze you, amuse you, and totally
seduce you."
- Avner the Eccentric
"an immensely gifted comic...a living cartoon character"
- See Chicago Dance